Thames Barrier Park


Patel Taylor won an international competition to design one of London's largest new parks, in a joint effort with Allain Provost, Alain Cousseran and Arup. The 14ha Thames Barrier Park has transformed a derelict brownfield site, and is a significant factor in attracting new investment to London's Royal Docks.

Every aspect of the park, from its urban form - which seeks to link the park into the surrounding docklands - to the varied richness of its landscaped components and the design of its buildings, its 'fixtures and fittings' - makes a contemporary cultural statement. It creates a series of settings for surrounding new development to respond to and is a rich and inviting new public space which effectively initiates a new piece of London with its own clear identity, but which links with the river and industrial context.

The high quality of the landscaping, design materials and planting contribute to this space and lead to a strong feeling of well being and pride in the local community and those who use the park.


Millennium Marque 2000
RIBA Award 2001
AIA  Awards 2002
Civic Trust Awards 2002
RPTI Awards 2002
Times Travel Green Spaces Awards 2008


This project is clearly a park of its time and it is as much a three-dimensional architectural and planning composition as it is a piece of landscape.
The Observer Review


